Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 2094
Annual Return Start: 30 Jun 2011
Annual Return End: 29 Jun 2012
Date Received: 24 Aug 2012
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L2.1 Exceed limit for faecal coliforms at Dam13 (Point 5) Appropriate Action taken by licensee 1
M2.1 Unable to obtain 4 sample results for Particulates - deposited matter. Gauge D62 sample jar broken & guages D56,D58 & D59 inaccessible following heavy rainfall. Appropriate Action taken by licensee 1
M8.2 Blast monitor at Burlings residence failed to capture overpressure & ground vibration levels for 2 blasts due to corrupted file system. Appropriate Action taken by licensee 1
M9.1 Monitoring Point 2 has not been communicating conductivity & flow metering data to the HRSTS "service provider" due to malfunction. Penalty Notice issued 1